Missing model parts? You don't have to buy a new set or kit or unreliable knockoffs! We stock all the standard atoms & bonds that Molymod (Spiring Enterprises) makes.
No matter when or where you bought your Molymod Molecular Models we've been supporting them with genuine UK made parts since 1994-even before the Wayback Machine recorded it! Bring any set/kit back to full strength. Hard to believe? Jump to Technical.
Our Molymod molecular model parts are mapped to 2 large chemical databases via our 3D Molecular Model Builder. It uses a versatile modelling program called JMol that can display an interactive image of nearly 50 million chemical structures.
This unique tool will show you parts or a combination of model sets & parts to build exactly what you want. Ready to give it a try?
Press "More Information" to start your test drive & buy just the organic/biochemical molecular model parts you need. (Our parts are fully compatible with inorganic structures such as diamond but these are not supported by the Model Builder).
Sounds too good to be true? Here's what one of our customers had to say: "I Love Indigo".
Displaying 1 to 49 (of 49 products) |
Organic Molecules 1-10 |
Propane |
Ethanol |
Acetic acid |
1,1-dimethylcyclohexane |
cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane |
trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane |
cis-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane |
trans-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane |
cis-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane |
trans-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane |
Organic Molecules 11-20 |
Ethane |
Butane |
Cyclohexane |
Sucrose |
Ethylene |
Acetic acid |
Acetone |
Acrylamide |
Nicotine |
Styrene |
Top Inorganic Molecules 1-10 |
Perchloric acid |
Sulphuric acid |
Carbon monoxide |
Carbon dioxide |
Phosphoric acid |
Ammonia |
Sodium bicarbonate |
Nitric acid |
Hydrochloric acid |
Hydrogen cyanide |
Consider this, Molymod Molecular Models have over 10 types of atoms with more than 30 holes for bond attachment. There are 4 types of bonds & 3 types of orbitals with a combined 11 ends that have to fit the holes precisely. This can be achieved only with the highest quality plastics, plastic molds & skilled machine operators.
If you want your set to retain its resale value past graduation, buy Indigo® molecular models. As with anything, you get what you pay for. We should know...we've been doing it since 1994.
Hybrid Dome |
Open Sphere |
Closed Dome |
Introductory Chemistry Molecular Models for Remote Learning, outlines the features of our two most popular student sets.
Magnetic Molecular Models: Functional Groups, shows how magnets can make teaching & learning important functional groups fast & easy but this is mainly of interest to instructors.