Taking organic chemistry or organic & inorganic chemistry? Our basic organic student set does both for $17.95 & includes molecular orbitals! It's backed by our 3D Molecular Model Builder. A computer program custom designed to Choose The Best Organic Chemistry Models For You.
Need to customize or revitalize any set or kit? We carry the full range of genuine high quality UK made Molymod Parts (Spiring), Orbit Parts (Cochranes) for 100% compatibility with all the models we've ever sold.
Teaching DNA forensics? Buy a miniDNA for only $74.95 Take it up a notch with hands-on experiments using our best teaching DNA model with 262144 possible unique sequences. Not enough? How about 18 quadrillion?
Need BIG plastic models for classroom demonstration? Chemistry students will appreciate our giant cyclohexane & turning a basic fullerene model kit into graphene sheets.
Get the full details about our expertise in molecular models in this glowing testimonial!
Molecular models are arranged by brand: Molymod, Orbit, Unit and Minit (compact skeletal models) which differ by atom style & size. Brands are further divided into sets, kits & parts.
Sets build a wide variety of chemical structures in general chemistry & organic chemistry, crystal lattices models (x-crystallography related} (, etc. Kits have a narrower range of atom geometries & are intended for specific structures such as ice, diamond, sodium chloride, amino acids or glucose. Parts include atoms, bonds & orbitals to extend or replenish any set or kit.
Our 3D molecular model builder can help build customize any organic student or teacher set with one or multiple additional models. Pharmacology researchers can use it in drug design to help visualize molecular mechanics. All for personal use. It can represent Researchers can or class
Indigo® models are further grouped by function into DNA, VSEPR Theory (molecular geometry) and Point Groups (molecular symmetry) with some overlap with the brand groupings. In addition, we offer Unit (big atoms), Minit (small atoms) & AtoMag (magnetic) organic molecule models.
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