Need to promote yourself or your business economically? A flat card magnifier or ruler is practical & inexpensive.
Choose or two colors or even full color with a personal or product photo. Volume pricing & fast turnaround.
250 card minimum with 1 color is just over $1.00 & includes setup. 1000 pieces, just over $0.60! No one beats our delivered to your door price!
Real Estate Agents-get your partner to buy 500 with you & a second logo on a full color decal is no extra charge-$0.60 each!
Our credit card magnifiers can be printed with 1 color to full color text & logos. They are useful marketing tools for just about any business. Include your favorite photo & stand head & shoulders over your competitors.
Really want to stand out? We offer printing in metallic gold, silver or copper colors at the same price on our black & blue cards.
People still read. Put your promotional or commemorative message on these ruler magnifiers.
Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 products) |
Standard colors are shown below for screen printing. Pantone is available request.