A simple pocket magnifier such as this 5-10-15X hand lens can help distinguish downy mildew from other pathogens such as powdery mildew. Downy mildews can lead to plant death and commercial impact on greenhouse operations especially. “Key factors contributing to the extent of these losses are delayed recognition and misidentification with other foliar diseases.” Catching the infestation early has obvious advantages.
Downy mildews infect the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of a diverse range of plants. They are single & multi-celled eukaryotic protists whose photosynthetic organelles contain chlorophyll c. Infection by downy mildew disease can also promote the growth of E. coli O157:H7 & Salmonella enterica on lettuce, enteric bacteria that are both known human pathogens
Downy mildew symptoms start as pale-yellow to light green patches on upper leaf surfaces or as irregular, angular lesions. These translucent spots can eventually spread to the an entire leaf, stem, flower or fruit as a downy, gray-white fuzz. This can go unnoticed until severely infected leaves turn brown, shrivel, and drop. Close examination is necessary to confirm the cause as downy mildew.
P/N | Description | QTY |
23204 | 30mm/15x 50mm/10X Folding Magnifiers for Mac Degeneneration | 1 |
No complaints for the price! It produces clear images easily. The plastic seems durable enough, but I have not tested it. The only improvement I would like to see is some sort of attachment point for a lanyard or cord. I have used it to examine some of the Brood X cicadas and various other insects and plants. Very helpful for the curious biologist though you won't be able to see cells unless they are abnormally large. Also, Indigo Instruments has great customer service!
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Thanks for the review & feedback. We haven't been able to get a version with both a loop to attach a lanyard & a flat surface to allowing branding (printing). Our Phone Camera Dissecting Microscope shows a close up of a fly but we recommend the 10X 23mm for its better depth of field. It might also allow you to see cells such as leaf stomata or cork.