Perovskite Crystal Lattice Structure

SKU: 68790W

$42.95USD Each


Perovskites are face centered cubic crystals with many potential electronic applications; buy this model kit for only $42.95 to study its novel lattice structure.

Perovskite the mineral has the chemical formula CaTiO3. Other compounds such as BaTiO3 & PbTiO3 with this crystal lattice structures are also referred to as perovskites. The corners of the cube consist of positively charged cations while edges have smaller negatively charged anions.

This arrangement gives perovskites a distinctive three-dimensional framework that is highly symmetrical. The flexibility of this structure allows for a wide range of chemical compositions, which can be tuned to achieve specific electrical, optical, and mechanical properties. This tunability is a key reason why perovskites are so promising for applications like solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and other electronic devices.

Indigo Instruments has maintained a substantial inventory of genuine Cochranes of Oxford (Orbit) atoms & bonds for over 30 years. These parts are compatible with every molecular model kit we have sold since day 1. This level of quality may appear expensive but no parts support from other vendors costs even more.

It is these & other electronic properties that make perovskites interesting. Its ferroelectricity, high magnetoresistance, charge ordering & spin dependent transport offers a potential leap in technology in superconductors, spintronics, memory devices, catalytic electrodes, laser materials & even quantum dots.

We illustrate this indirectly with a version that uses phosphorescent bonds as shown in the image below.


Related information or images
There are no printed instructions for assembling this model. However, these specifications & a close look at the images of the model & unit cell should suffice.

  • Grey is Calcium (Ca). Note that this atom is 12 coordinate & comes in 3 parts. A 6 armed central piece with holes for the two 3 armed pieces to plug into
  • Yellow is Titanium & connects to the red atoms with the 30mm bonds
  • Red is Oxygen & connects to the yellow atoms with the 45mm bonds
  • Clear 50mm "Wobbly" bonds have been precut to 45mm to fit the lattice structure
  • Four of these clear 45mm "Wobbly" bonds connect the central grey calcium atom to 4 oxygen atoms. Of these red atoms 2 in the top row are shifted 90 degrees relative to the bottom row.
  • The Ca-O bonds are easier to see in the Unit Cell image


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