Ammonia Leak Detection Cloth

SKU: 33820-BTB/L

$99.00USD or lower Each

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This 1 m2 cloth (40x40") ammonia (NH3) leak detection only $99.00, has 4 times the material of the 20x20 (0.25m2) version. Cut into smaller squares or strips as needed & save. The reaction is reversible so that the same section of cloth can be reused, but not indefinitely. 

Ammonia leak detection cloth can detect leaks in sealed incubators used to study infectious disease or ensure a sterile environment of prematurely born infants. The cloth's bromothymol blue indicator changes color from yellow to blue in response to trace amounts of ammonia (NH3) & can indicates discrete leakage points in gloveboxes and air filtration systems.

If you are looking to test for leaking ammonia refrigerant gas, click on phenolphthalein ammonia gas indicator test papers. Or, if you need a semiquantitative measurement of ammonia in bioreactors or waste management, click on 0-100ppm ammonia test strips.

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Ammonia Leak Cloth Documentation

Stability Statement Certificate of Analysis SDS
Indigo Ammonia Leak Detector Cloth Stability Statement Indigo Ammonia Leak Detector Cloth Certificate of Analysis Indigo Ammonia Leak Detector Cloth SDS
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