Diamond Crystal Structure Unit Cell

SKU: 68787WUC

$49.95USD Each


This diamond molecule model shows the multiple cleavage planes and the unit cell in red of a face centered cubic lattice (FCC) structure; only $49.95.

This diamond molecular model kit includes a unit cell colored in red which illustrates the symmetric nature of the tetrahedral structure of diamond. Our diamond model kit with unit cell highlights the vertex & edges of the Fd3m crystallographic space group of a face-centered cubic Bravais lattice. The red colored unit cell inside this diamond molecular model enhances the 3D crystal structure & makes the crystal planes & directions easier to see.

Indigo Instruments has maintained a substantial inventory of genuine Cochranes of Oxford (Orbit) atoms & bonds for over 30 years. These parts are compatible with every molecular model kit we have sold since day 1. This level of quality may appear expensive but no parts support from other vendors costs even more.

This is a larger version of our standard Orbit style diamond model. This version has several extra layers and includes a unit cell of diamond in red atoms that illustrates an example of a face centered cubic Bravais lattice.
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